Do you have difficulty finding time for everything? Are you often tired at the end of the day from trying to fit everything in?
It’s overwhelming…and common. You’re going from one thing to the next and you never seem to get everything off of your to-do list. This happens all the time and is one of the most common complaints from entrepreneurs, especially if you’re just starting out your business.
You’ve probably taken multiple courses, attended seminars, and hired coaches to help you with your business…or health…or relationships…or finances, so that you can feel like you’re more in control over these particular areas of your life that are important to you…and make time for them.
But what it really comes down to is how you use your time to have all that you want. Of course you need the help, knowledge, and tools, but first you need the time management know-how to be able to use those resources, otherwise, you will have no time to have the healthier and wealthier business and life that you want, desire and deserve.
As an entrepreneur, the way that you use your time really does determine how successful you arepersonally and professionally. That’s why it is so important to be crystal clear about what you really want, what your priorities are, and how you’re going to accomplish what you wantwhether you do it yourself or hire someone else to do it.
The goal of this article is to share 3 ‘secrets’ to managing your time better, so that you are more productive, more satisfied, and have ample time to include all that you want in your day or week.
1. Know what should dedicate your time to and what should not: One of the most important first steps is to know what you really want; think of one specific thing at a time. Think about what you want to happen or what you want to have in the next 30 or 90 days.
Then with this one goal in mind, think of what needs to happenwhat tasks need to be donefor you to get it accomplished. Remember that you don’t have to do every task yourself; think about who you will need to help you; it could be a partner or a VA or even a neighbor or friend.
2. Understand how much your time is really worth: One of the biggest blocks for many entrepreneurs is thinking that they will save more time and money doing every task themselves. This may be true in some cases, but in most, entrepreneurs save more than twice as much time and money concentrating on those tasks that they are passionate about, good at, and that will generate money, by delegating the other detailed tasks.
So, a useful exercise to determining whether to get help with the growth of your business or not is to determine how much your time is really worth. So, how much is your time worth?
Give yourself a general hourly rate as a basis. Knowing how much your time is really worth and how much time you spend on all of your tasks on your to-do list, you’ll be clearer about what you want and need to delegate to grow your business the fastest.
3. Don’t keep everything bottled up in your mindwrite it out: People have different ways of making lists that work best for them, but no matter what kind of list works best for you, it’s important to get all the things out of your mind and onto paper.
Because then you are able to fully see what seems to be important to you (it’s on your mind after all). Once you see where you want and need your time to go, you’re able to then make a plan to either schedule out each task, delegate to someone else, or eliminate it if it is not going to really get you to where you want to be.
There are of course many other time management ‘secrets’ to creating a business and life that you truly enjoy and honors your lifestyle, but starting out with these 3 ‘secrets’ will help you start getting clear on how to best use your time.