The Entrepreneur And Philanthropist Tai Savetsila
Tai Savetsila,a renowned businessman in Los Angeles, comes from an ancestry of Thailands politicians. Tais great grandfather had been the Foreign Prime Minister. His father had come to the United States of America from Thailand and started his real estate business there. Tai comes from a pedigree of successful people and he himself works hard to achieve success in his own endeavors.
In 1999, Tai started working in a lending bank that funded 500 million dollars yearly in private lending. He then used this knowledge and opened his very own private lending corporation that had an important client base.
Savetsila used his expertise to form a successful career in real estate. He had a high end clientele that included actors, producers and others from the entertainment industry.
In 2004, Tai Savetsila founded the Savet Inc. which managed a varied client base with multifarious real estate service. Savet Inc. specialized in the exchange of properties and also offers miscellaneous lending options to its prospective buyers. Savet Inc. uses new marketing techniques, industry awareness and also competitive financial products to cater to the different real estate needs of individual clients.
In 2008, Tai Savetsila founded the Blue PMG, a dynamic and innovative marketing and graphic / web design company. He founded the company and sought out customers who could help him run his business successfully. In return, he helped them in hosting and web development. Savetsila has worked with major stalwarts of the music industry and also hedge funds.
Tai is also very much involved in his community. He actively supports different causes relating to breast cancer awareness, cruelty against animals, protecting the abused children.
With a record of more than 12 years in the entertainment industry and more than 10 years in real estate, Tai Savetsila has had success and is still continuing to succeed in his ventures.