The Value In Journal Writing

Journal writing is a voyage to the interior.”

For the past two and half years, journaling is one of those wonderful simple strategies that I have incorporated into my daily life.

Now you might be wondering what could anyone possibly be writing about, every single day. I asked myself that same question when I started. Furthermore, at the time, I also felt that I did not have important or valuable things to write about. What erroneous thinking on my part!

At first, when I attempted to journal, my journal entries were more like grocery lists; “Today, I did…” ” Today I saw…” “Tomorrow I need to…” you get the picture.

With time I found the experience to be most enjoyable and rejuvenating. Soon, journaling allowed me to go in the world within and to make very interesting discoveries about self.

Today, journal writing for me is an important personal development strategy that allows me to grow. It is a time for reflection, a space to ask the more important questions about self and life, and an opportunity to do a mental and emotional dump. An outpouring of emotions can leave you feeling relieved of stress and more peaceful. There is considerable evidence that writing has huge health benefits. It is a great way to unwind after the day.

I like to journal twice a day, in the morning and at night.

Early in my day I like to set my intentions for what my day will look like and what I want to accomplish. I follow that up with whatever personal development theme I am currently working on; for example: courage, beliefs, change, and so on.

At the end of my day I like to reflect on the key points of the last 18 hours or so. These are not necessarily major happenings, but rather any AHA/insights that came up, meaningful conversations had, interesting things that I read and so on. I also believe it is very important that folks take a minute or two to note 5 successes for the day. It does not matter how big or small. What matters is that you start acknowledging yourself for the things you do well. Too many individuals are quick to put themselves down for the things they do not get done or do poorly. Yet, these same people ignore giving themselves credit. Recognizing your strengths and abilities are key to growing, not only your self esteem and confidence, but to creating your wealth.

I believe that writing about our day is something very important that should be taught to children at a young age. You could have a young child do a drawing of his/her day and explain the drawing to you. It is not about knowing your child’s secrets but rather have them see themselves through a clearer lens. Journaling at any age allows one to gain clarity.

I have found journaling to be a critical activity for anyone who wants to pursue the areas of personal development and self-improvement. It is about getting a deeper understanding of self and of others. It allows you to sort out issues and solve problems, personal and business. The entire writing process provides a forum where you can learn to grow and accept not only yourself but others as well. Journaling increases the individual’s level of personal responsibility.

Journaling is a form of record keeping. It is a way to reread about ourselves and to see how far we have come. We can recognize how our beliefs have evolved over time. Writing is a building block to our life story.

There are many kinds of journals you can keep. The type and format you choose does not matter, as long as you start the process. You can be writing a few simple lines or several pages.

Some folks choose to keep a general journal. Others will choose to keep specific journals such as dream journals, reading logs, health and healing journals, networking opportunities and ideas.

Personally, for the past nine months, apart from a general type of journal, I have kept a Gratitude journal. Once or perhaps several times a day I write down what I am currently grateful for. This simple activity has had a profound impact for me. Each day I become more aware of the incredible blessings that I receive. I see the miracle in the smaller things. Being grateful brings joy to my life.

The very successful business people that I have come to know in network marketing have all kept journals and continue to do so. Journal writing has allowed them to identify their core desires, skills, interests, and values. They are able to break down problems and arrive at solutions. New insights are gained. New connections are made. In fact, journaling has helped them create more wealth in their life.

Whatever your chosen path may be, I highly recommend journal writing as a daily practice.

” A life worth living is a life worth recording!”
